Lit 2 (World Literature)

     Hello student! I hope that you are doing well and in good health as you read this post. This site will serve as an alternative conduit of my instruction in light of the long break in consonance of the ncov-19. Please read further to know your weekly task embedded in this post.

     This week's lesson will revolve around English literature. The literature of the English is one of the hallmarks of World Literature. England’s obscure tribes in the ancient times, (Angle-Saxons) gave the world more than roots of the English language – it created a rich gamut of literary nexus still relevant to the world that we know today. The modern world enjoys a roster of English literary works so indelible with the great minds the world has ever known: William Shakespeare, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Charles Bacon to name a few. This week’s lesson will look into the masterpiece of one of England’s poet laureate – Alfred Lord Tennyson

      Before reading Tennyson's work, it is important for you to know the time when the work was published as well as some facts about his life. Tennyson lived during the best times of England - the reign of Queen Victoria. 
The title of the poem that we are going to study is Crossing the Bar. It is said that Tennyson wrote this poem when he was suffering from grave illness and was about to die. Read the poem below while noting some of the vocabulary words before answering the questions provided. 
Task 1:
 Answer the following questions below. Organize your answers in a docx format.
1. Which words in the poem suggest old age? Which ones suggest death?
2.What is the rhyme scheme used by the poet? 
3. What are symbols? What are the symbols used by the poet?
4. What could be the underlying theme of the poem?
5. Explain the 3rd to the 5th line of the poem:
And there be no moaning of the bar,
When I put out to sea,
Too full for sound and foam,
6. What message does the poet want to impart in this poem?
7. On the 3rd and 4th stanza of them poem, what is it that the poet asks his friends to do when he dies?
8. Who could be the ‘Pilot’ that Tennyson refers to in his poem?
9. Do you think the poet is afraid of dying? Lift some lines in the poem that could support your answer.
10. Do you find the poem relevant to the situation right now? In what way? Expand your answer.
11. Explain the poetic line: death is as powerful as love and life.
12. If today is your last day on earth, what would you do? what would you say to your loved ones? 

Task 2:
Write a 4 by 4 elegy. Four stanzas with four lines each. An elegy is a  serious poem for the dead.  Learn more about an elegy by reading the information provided on this site. Dedicate your poem for someone who is no longer living but is significant to you. 
Consider the criteria below as your guide:
1. Cohesiveness                                                                                                            10 pts.
The poem goes perfectly together. 
There is unity between lines and stanzas.
2. Use of poetic devices                                                                                               15 pts.
The poet uses 3 or more poetic elements to enhance the poem including mood and symbols.
3. Rhythm                                                                                                                        10 pts.
The poem uses sound patterns that benefit the poetic tone.
4. Overall content and structure                                                                                 15 pts.                The poet follows the form of his/her chose poems. 

The literary piece is free of errors in grammar and spelling.

Submission Instructions:
 Email your work at Indicate the course code (Lit 2) with your full name and class schedule as your email subject. Submit your works not later than Friday midnight this week (March 20, 2020). 
Submitted works with no/lacking information shall not be graded.

- Please do not send your outputs to me via the Facebook messenger app. 
- Midterm examination, as well as your theatre presentation, will take place once the ncov-19 advisory will be lifted. 

Thank you. Stay safe and God bless. To get to know more on how to protect yourself against ncov-19, read the latest advisory from the WHO on this site. Stay indoors and pray. 

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