World Literature (Completion Requirements)


Hello student! I hope you are doing well and healthy.

 If you've received an INC mark for your grade last semester, here are the activities that you have to accomplish in order to have your numeral grade and pass the course. 

Once you have accomplished all given tasks below, send them to my email addess which is

Your email subject must be your FULL NAME and CLASS SCHEDULE.

Your activities, except the video, must be in docx or pdf format. Incomplete works won't be checked. It's for you to have the best grade possible and to hone your knowledge and skills as a student. 

Together with your compiled works, include the INC form with the necessary details asked in the document. The form must be in docx format as well. pdf and workspace format won't be accepted since your instructor needs to attach the form with your class record. 

Download the INC form HERE.

OPEN this link in order to read and access ACTIVITY 1 

Read about American Literature
( and the American poet Robert Frost ( 
Afterward, read and study his poem entitled, Fire and Ice ( 
❤️Task 1
Once you have read the poem, answer the following questions:
1. What figurative languages did Frost use in his poem? Cite stanzas that support your answer. 
2. What do the words "fire" and "ice" in the poem stand for? 
3. How do you describe a world that ends in a fire? 
In ice? 
4. Why is the speaker in the poem in favor of ice? 
5. Do you agree with the speaker's belief in how the world will end? Why or why not?
6. Who could be the speaker in the poem? Describe him/her. 
7. What is the underlying theme of the poem? 
8. What do you think is the most pressing problem that humans need to pay attention to? 
Explain your answer. 
9. Elucidate the statement: apathy is worse than war and diseases. 
❤️Task 2
Watch the music video of 'Millennial Love' by scarypoolparty:
Write a reflection paper on what you have understood from the video viewed. Explain how the theme of the video is in consonance with the poem you have studied. 
Read about the American writer Max Ehrmann and his poem entitled "Desiderata" .
Afterward, answer the following questions:
1. What does the word Desiderata mean?
2. Why do you think the poet entitled his poem with such word (desiderata)?
3. What is your own understanding of the line, "You are a child of the Universe, no less than the trees and the stars?"
4. What is the general theme of the poem?
5. Name three things that you desire the most in life and explain your choices.
6. What is your own philosophy or principle in living life to the fullest?
7. What is the most significant lesson that the poem has imparted to you as its reader?
❤️Task 2: Take a photo of anything that represents what makes your life meaningful. Explain your choice of photo in 3 -5 sentences. 

For questions not answered in this post, email me at

God bless and keep safe!

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